Friday, November 20, 2009


I am here, but the state isn't static.
I am everywhere, but no place in particular.
I am seen by all, but remembered by none.
I am conversed with by many, but understood by few.
I am conscious of everything, but make aware of it seldom.
I am what time forgot, but it won't forget forever.
I am one of few, but I got lonely so I left.
I am lacking something, but who will spot it.
I am the emotion, but for what does it bring.
I am thought of, but in what light.
I am the line, but white space precedes me.
I am that guy over there, but what was his name again.
I am not the same as them, but then how is the void filled.
I am quiet, but can the sounds of my thoughts be heard.
I am patient, but the virtue has overstayed its welcome.
I am a container, but lack the conventions that make me... me.
I am in flux, but this is not one of those times.
I am the source, but the cost is severe.

I am... but am I not?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Words to Waste your Time over

Just for a moment, take a side step, and contemplate with me.

Domvr yo,r od sm o;;idopm. jpe fp er lmpe ejpdr od ,pdy svvitsyr/
Sd divj. dsuomh pmrdr;g epi;f nr s drmdon;r yjomh gpt s trsdpmsn;r [rtdpm yp vp,r yp sd s vpmv;idopm/
Jperbrt eoyj s;; yjr yo,r ;pdy om [tpgpimf yjpihj pbrt yjr ,pdy im=[tpgpimf yjomhd. ,u drmdr pg yo,r ,idy nr rcsd[rtsyrf;u d;pe ejrm vp,[strf yp yjr mrcy/

Eoyj yjsy dsof ,smu ,su wirdyopm. eju yjrm epi;f upi mpy dyp[ ejo;r upit nrjomf. smf trhsom upit pem yo,r;omrdd nu kpomomh pm yjr o;;idopmstu mpt,/

Yjr pm;u trd[pmdr/// eju. og upi ,idy wirdyopm str upi yjrm yjomlomh om divj yrt,d/// mpe [iyyomh upitdr;g om ejovj upi. upitdr;g wirdyopm yjr eptyj/

O o,[;ptr upi omdyrsf yp rcs,omr yjr gsvsfr om ejovj upi str om' drr og oy od yjr yo,r om ejovj upi [iy upitdr;g/

Smf sy yjr vpmv;idopm pg ,i;;omh yjsy pbrt gpt s ejo;r. O vpmhtyfi;syr upi pm dyr[[omh fpem s ;rbr; gtp, upit [rfrdys;d smf drromh s;;. sd od mpy ,rsmy yp nr drrm.
yo,r [rt,oyyomh/

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monkey... Myth, Mystery, Mathematical Impossibility?


Are they?... Are they really?... It is hard to tell honestly when you could use the term for so many species that you would think they might want their own term to diversify themselves from other species which they themselves view as lesser beings.

Yet who am I to say what a monkey would really want to be referred to as, for to truly know, one must fully immerse oneself within the cultural happenings of the monkey populace.

I have not yet done such a thing so therefore I (strictly speaking on my own experience) would not know the proper term that they would want to be called. We could ask Jane Goodall... however she spent her time with the chimpanzees, and as everyone knows the true monkeys with the know-how are the ones with tails.

Furthermore to look at the term "Evolutionarily challenged" closer who are we to say that the monkey is a lesser evolved creature as in for, they have a tail.

We (for the most part) do not no tails. Having a tail such activities as cosplay of many individuals would be so much easier... some of them would include Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Vegeta’s partner in crime (who said "Vegeta what does his power level read") and if you want to get technical the whole saiyan race you could successfully cosplay as. With tails we would also be able to accomplish a conga line how it is supposed to be done.

We do however have a tailbone (which you can break if you fall on your butt hard enough) but we have no tail to speak of… I would argue that we are the ones evolutionary challenged, and from this and the interpretations from myself as a source knowledge which I have interpreted we are being ruled by the monkeys.

Supreme OVERLORD monkey

With such prominent figureheads today, and the recent past it is amazing that more haven’t realized the surprising fact that we are ruled by the monkey. Some examples to spark your memory are Donkey Kong, King Louie, King Kong, Amy (From Congo), The Planet of the Apes, The Monkees (which is a double reference from music and tv), Gorillaz…etc…etc. Each and every one of these references was a major role in their own stardom… even though these aren’t all monkeys, and some reference apes (different than monkeys) there is sure enough a monkey running the show in the background.. Many times the monkeys will not show themselves in their own form of ruling over us, but occasionally you get a glimpse of it such as the monkey ruling at the Donkey Kong era placed himself in the latter recreations in the form of a sidekick (which we all know to be true that was ruling the game).

It is also only right that we mostly reference the ape which is closer to ourselves (lacking tails) however the ape is still an offshoot of the overlord monkey (the one with the tail). It is also key to know it is not known, nor has it ever been known which specific monkey is the ones which hold overlord status. Thus we must think of any type of monkey (with a tail of course) when thinking of the overlord monkey.

There-in-fore to refer to the monkey as a lesser being than ourselves is in fact a train of thought derived from mistranslated elder knowledge. When in fact we are being ruled over similarly to how we rule the cow… Many civilizations worshiped the monkey and they were closer to seeing how things actually work in the world than many other people.

If I may use a reference to help further imprint the message…

Without the monkey’s wisdom and ruling guidance we would all be just like the magikarp splashing around just waiting to be eaten by something. Through the monkey we have gained the ability to tackle (if I may continue my reference) and now we are “ruling” (as we are blinded by our ability to see that the tail bearers influence).

Anyway back to the topic at hand not getting sidetracked by a references when many lack the willingness to understand the basic origins of, the.

If none remember… we are bound to do something to instigate the frenzied wrath of the monkey… upon our misshapen form.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled brain waves.