Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Downfall of Society

This is a lengthy read, however it has information which could save your life.

Upon close evaluation of the facts it has come to my attention that what is the cause of our lack of progress as a society. This key factor is often overlooked by many members of communities all across the globe. If we focus in on this one source of destruction and ignore the fact that for the most part we are governed by the controlling dominance of “the Man” as it used to be called, which forces upon us to congeal into the collective. This collective mentality exists even among the people thinking they are breaking out of it, when they are never really free from the grip. Since they themselves are just one of many cogs the collective has everywhere. No, the real destruction will come long before the collective do major damage. This problem arises from none other than the existence and use of doors.
Think for a moment, ours and many other cultures use doors every day unconsciously unaware of the danger that lurks within their solid frames. Have you ever stopped to think about how many doors you use every day, or the impact this has on yourself or the society you are a part of? Well think about this situation which will demonstrate the severity of the problem. Imagine you are walking down the street going to get your hair cut when all of a sudden you realize nature is calling, you have to use the facilities, the restroom, number 2 and immediately. Luckily you are near a store such as Wal-Mart, or other such location. You walk up to the store and what so happens to be preventing you from your new destination but a door, the first of many you will encounter in your endeavor. No sooner do you pass through the first obstacle than you are faced with yet another door to overcome after leaving the outside world behind. To get to the inner sanctum of this building where the throne of porcelain awaits you must traverse this second door to make it onto the main sales floor and the next stage of the journey. Upon your arrival you traverse the isles avoiding the employees and their apparent gesture of goodwill and special discounts and reach the designated areas for the restroom. You are faced with another challenge brought on by doors, you must pass through one door to reach the goal, however two doors stand in your way, each designated with a symbol of proper authority of entering yet they both hold fast to their door brethren in challenging the establishment. Upon completing this challenge depending on which store you have entered not but 2 feet in front of you are faced with another one challenging you. In a rush you barge on through expecting you are home free as you can smell the aftermath that is a public room of this service. When you turn the corner and faced with numerous sets of doors all blocking the passage to the seat of power. Thus it took you 5 doors to reach your detoured destination and it will take an extra 5 to get back on task to you original goal. Of course when reaching the final destination there will doubtless be between one to three more doors to overcome. For such a simple task as getting your hair cut when nature calls you must pass through 11 to 13 doors if not more seeing as this situation started you on the street, no telling how many doors you encountered earlier in the day, or afterwards for that matter.

You may be saying to yourself “No big deal I go through doors with no problems” however that is the real danger. Not many people realize there is a threat until it will be too late. The easiest consequence of the door’s hold over us is the time which is spent on the usage of doors when the actual use of the door isn’t your specified goal. I’m willing to guess the amount of time and brain usage about doors over the course of an average person’s life exceeds one possibly two or more years. Being conservative with these calculations we will assume 1 year for the average lifetime. Given there are over 6 billion people in the world it is save to assume at least half of the population uses doors on a regular basis. Thus just within this generation of people living we are missing out on roughly 3 billion person years worth of enriching society. This calculation doesn’t even include all of the years in which previous generations have wasted ever since the door first door was created. Given that previous generations had less people to use doors and less doors to be used I would argue we have mist out on more person years of society progressive behavior than the number of years it is assumed the Earth has been in existence, if not at least more than humans have been around. With all of this time spent using doors we could have been living on mars, or in space but instead we are at the state of current existence.

You may be saying such things can’t be correct as not all doors are created equal. Although this statement is true it doesn’t hinder but rather expedites the argument. These days we have pull doors, push doors, automatic doors, revolving doors, doors that open from the left, right, or from the middle, doors which open upwards or downwards, and doors made from a wide variety of materials from rock, wood, metal of various types, and even paper doors. With such an extensive list of types consider how much time was spent developing designs and testing all the doors. Not to mention the building of the millions of doors in use today.
If the only evil doors were capable of was wasting productive time then the door wouldn’t be the ultimate evil to society it would be more of a nuisance. There is however a darker side to this matter doors are capable of inflicting physical and mental harm on society as a whole. Physical damages are easily shown with such examples as premature door closings. This condition can result in many injuries ranging from bruises, scratches all the way up to broken bones, separation of body parts, as well as death. Death is a pretty permanent state of being thus far in human evolution therefore it is a drastic consequence of society using such a dangerous tool. What if let us say the next person who dies from this dreadful condition is the scientist who just thought of the way to make death less permanent. This would be ironic, however it might have already happened countless times as death stands at a permanent state of being, and doors continue to claim countless lives.

The psychological problems caused by doors is less well known however just as dangerous if not more so to society as the previously listed problems. Stress and depression can be induced in people who aren’t aware of the scheme that doors are up to. For instance if a person is repeatedly having doors closed in their face they start feeling unwanted. This has been shown to be the case even with such incidents as an automatic door which closes, or fails to open immediately as a person approaches it. Many of these people go into a deep form of depression as of yet has no cure since most professional physicians have yet to acknowledge the door is the true cause. There is also a flip side to this condition causing people to have inflated egos, and feeling of superiority. This in comparison to depression is much more prevalent and is common in a 95% of existing in a person on at least one point in time. Similarly it is shown that 75% of the world’s population contains this feeling of superiority throughout the course of the individual’s life. This condition is caused when a person sees doors always opening before them. This condition exploded with the invention of the automatic sliding door. There is an easy way to tell who is suffering symptoms of this condition, they are often heard saying or they think often about the saying “when one door closes two more open.” The highest concentration of this physiological disorder is found in guidance councilors where 99%are proven cases for being a host of this condition. They are also the central location for infection into others since this disorder can be spread to others. Once it starts to spread to new people it usually spreads rather quickly possibly dying out in a few cases however most of the time it continues spreading living strong in its new hosts. With such a rapid contamination of this problem it is clear that we have an epidemic of a global scale on our hands yet not a word of warning or cure is given to the public. This shows the true danger to the mental well being of civilization.

Given the lack of warning to such a dangerous force I view it is my duty to give what information I have to help eradicate the problem. The best solution for everyone is to outlaw the use of doors all across the globe. I am aware this idealistic solution will never be possible due to the addiction of many people with power. They rely on doors to such an extent to allow them to discuss things behind them when they are closed. Therefore it is up to the individual efforts of a mob of people to change the culture of door reliance. Step one: If you have the authority or permission to do so remove all doors from your residence, place of work, and any other location where you frequently go. Step two: reduce your usage of doors. Never exceed the use of 5 doors within any given hour time span. It is also recommended each door usage should be at least 10 minutes if not more apart from each other. If it is an emergency it is allowable to use 2 doors within 10 minutes, however if you do so it is then recommended to follow this formula for the amount of time before your next usage. NT = ((2t)^2 )/3 where NT is the number of minutes you must wait until the next door incident and t is the amount of time between the initial 2 door usages within 10 minutes of each other. This formula is for the general public however this formula is not proven for everybody, and as such there is a more refined addition equation which will work for everybody which is the following (NT*Age)/5 Minutes if you are over the age of 5, and just (NT*Age) if you are under the age of 5. This amount of time is proven to allow the body and mind to recuperate enough from the trauma of the quick succession of door usage to endure another standard door use. The sooner you can fully adopt this system the better off you will be. From the calculations studied about door usage, depending on your age and factoring in the average door usage the number of days from this publication date that you have to adopt the plan is |((50-age)/2)| days. This number however is only for the readers who are under the age of 50, for those who are 50 or over you need to adopt this policy while reading this article to best secure your health and recovery from the damage doors have done to your body. If everybody isn’t able to adopt this plan before their time limit is up they may suffer brain function loss, slight memory alterations, decrease in life expectancy, and increase in infant mortality rate.

Please heed the warning I have offered you, always be on the look out for the doors to pop up when you least expect them as well as when you are expecting them. They will multiply and take over if we do not work as one and as individuals to counteract their dominion over us.