Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Run that by me one more time...

Describing such events as to which it will not have or will have already contained a participatory factor without knowing full well that the co-existing internal forces, which connotate the context of which will latter be explained, from which it will now and onward stand to exist.

Then therein is the limiting factor for which when one is willing to admit to the outright statement of the mass prolific nature of that which isn't necessarily defined, yet known by the acquiring of the forces for which it is known. For when the known is known by which it is known, the force for which it was known by is then considered the linking factor of the source of the admittance of the process.

The process on which understanding is built upon, unto the action in question, that is to assume that which it is said is indeed an action of which to speak, is the basic unit of which the connotation ensues which will be needed by the ones for which the understanding of which is stated by it which orates the ideals of things which have come to pass. If in fact the questionable material is neither action nor could be orally conditioned in of the actualization of the source from which all stemming matters arise from the centralized being of it which contains the capacity then forth with a new form from which new processes should be created from a location and source which cannot be interpreted in such a time as it doesn't exist in a state from which the creation of else-worthy causes are conceptualized.

Clarification as to what therein would be classified as action thus is to be of or within the surrounding nature of the fact of which is done with, regarding, or in otherwise close proximity to within reason of the general purpose of doing, seeing, hearing, feeling, as in all general terms sensing, as well as segmented forms of cranial activities of the one, and participants of which the one is associated.

Upon the phenomenon of such an occurrence of stipulations, key factors of which are necessary for the completion of such a process as to accomplish the seeking result from which source it comes leads through to a plethora of possibilities but which will only come to pass as a single potential based on the many internalized separators of which the source is derived from. True authentic version of control of such phenomenon is a rare enticement as the mass usually comes to the over-generalization of the said situation based on questionably existential commonalities between the mass and the source, thereby diminishing any authenticity of the value of such things as an authentic representation, or recreation of such an action.

The expression of such exacting times, or lack there of do not diminish the resulting factors stated earlier, it just stands to be mentioned as to the fact that many of these factors do not in and of themselves exist which brings about the whole debacle over whether the existence is in fact a factor but which is of course assumed to be of an existential state otherwise there would little consequence as to the result of needing to even participate in such processes or of reference to any one of many potential sources. As if there is no existence of the fact then there would be little to no necessity for either the source or the mass in of which is existent by the form of which the purpose the mass forms with the source to what is needed in the process which is as such known to exist thus by countering the reasons upon the qualm possessed within the one of which is comprehending the immense possibilities of potential the source, phenomenon, and all resulting actions therein which are resultants of such predetermined state of which there is need to fulfill.

Such imagined factors which supplement the lack of the ones which are unique in the sense of being the real factor forces thus the progression of the resulting states to be internalized throughout those of which were sharing only a participatory linkage to the fact through such things as one or many sources from the time on which the process has started.

Dramatization thus begins its course upon which is now in danger of lack of control from which the new knowledge of processes is too much for which to contain and being so must be expressed thoroughly through becoming such as the source and starting a process of sorts which differ from it being the source by several distinguishing factors. Firstly the processes in which these pseudo-sources contain the extraction of results entails solely to and with great confidence in such things as actualization of which process it has participated through recently will be resolved through counter process logical understanding of the occurrence through which it is accustomed. Secondly the source of which started the process will in thus to continue its own functional process the proper step which should follow if upon the process has succeeded in such to a point as to needing the accommodation of response through multiple forms of input including but not limited to the form of oratory converse which upon the process was formed, as including signaling of which form is chosen by such things as time-space allotment, estimated level of which the source is in mental understanding of such that the signals would be interpreted in a manner befitting the signal.

Upon meeting such requirements as to continue the process it is noted that such continuation of the process may not in fact be part of the process at all but instead become the beginning of such things as new process, or termination of such processes including the existence of the source and all which it has come to experience through such an internal dilemma of activity. However upon seeing such sentiments it stands that such ending mustn't be such a permanent process inevitability as to eliminate such as the source which is the form of holding to the internal force which is known to exist in the form of existences. upon such as the source existence is of it is none then such things as the force which housed within the source is then upon the consequences necessarily needed to transfer in location in essence generating a new source from which a process is needed to upon the above stated is recycled to which time is no factor in that of which is repeated to preserve the state of existence known to be true.

Upon actualization of continuing of the process it is then noted that the above does not take place at such a time limiting the factor of which time is cyclitive and repeats upon itself lacking in control in such that such event should and most probably would happen excluding such factors of that which is unknown as of the source to exist in a state that of which the force is, becoming at such time that the above statements should never come to pass in essence containing in with itself such that the opening stands true in that existence is to be true. Until such a time as such occurrences are essentially commonplace such things as the process in a whole would in effect change in total preventing from the preceding from standing upon the truth from which it stands while still maintaining that which should always be in existence. When such process is no longer in such a state as being valid, existence of such as a process of new processes become available and as such the process is reformed through itself upon itself generating the existence of new states of the process on which the source is necessary to perform in that or upon enacting the above in the continuation of the existence through transference through such actions as that of to support the process.

Upon the saturation point of the source as to receive input into the form of the various forms stated above it is needed that as such there be such time as to process and calculate the link to process stage which is needed for such verification be processed to which the one not in connection to the source becomes aware as to the understanding of such topics as was signaled. Such an understanding can thus be followed by actions as stated in what stands as action above in that the actions can repeat and form new cycles upon themselves until at which point the ones not as is in the source of the action becomes dissatisfied with such processes and in effect terminates continuations of which the process is designed, thus forcing such actions upon the source to find such things as those which have not yet participated, or haven't participated in such as the process in an adequate period of time in to which acceptance of such as the process is acceptable.

As to how much cycling is needed depends upon the participated internal which doesn't exist as to only the internal force in the source exists as to which the participated must therefore entice and enforce load-outs of the source and thereby forcing the internal force unto itself at which time becoming such as the existing source. Upon this act such and all subsequent source formations follow patterns of processes not specified to anything other than which is upon the source internal force itself, any process in which followed from that of the force in which it was created and formed around.

Upon such actions as the stated means little to the existence of the existence since in that the process and force in discussion is thus the action depending upon that of which the source chooses though many inevitably foresee the fate of which the process ends to effect as to build an existence around showing the existence and to a form of such that helping form the existence of other sources even if such as that such are only fake non-existences in which there is little to no reason to spend the time-frame dealing with.

Digest such statements above and contemplate such things as to whether understanding as to the process the force and to the general idea withheld thoroughly through which is discussed in length above.

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